Wednesday 7 November 2012

Article one - Calling All Frequent Flyers by Ross W. Greene

Synopsis of article Calling All Frequent Flyers by Ross W. Greene - Your school discipline program isn't working. If you're ready to rethink and retool, then you're ready for collaborative problem solving.

The article gives you information about how CPS works, how to do it and why it works.  The article particularly stood out for me because yes our student has a behavior however just sending her for a psychological assessment is masking the behavior as we know she has what Dr. Green calls lagging skills.  These lagging skills presents as the behavior because the student does not have the skills to deal with the challenging demands of the environment they are in and these demands class with their lacking skills.  Because the demands exceed the student’s skill a behavior occurs. 

New learning for me if we learn the highly predictable conditions that trigger or become the unsolved problem maybe we can give the students the skills to  deal with the demands.  This skill would help the student later in life and give the student problem solving skills.  The collaborative part is with the teacher who sees the behavior and the principal because they are dealing with this child in the office as a behavior. 

After learning this strategy, I was able to have students open up and the unsolved problem was revealed and then we could help them gain the skills they needed to deal with the demands.  

Summarized by Carrie 

Greene, Ross W., Dr. "Calling All Frequent Flyers." Lives Inn Balance. N.p., 2012. Web. 07 Nov. 2012. <>.

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